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Our Team

Our team are committed to providing our members with the very best golfing experience.

Jon Maclean

Immediate Past Captain

Andy Robertson

Managing Secretary

Kenny Allan

Gents Match Secretary

David McBride

Greens Convenor

Andrew McNee

Junior Convenor

Stuart Craig

Vice Captain


Jim Duncan

Committee Member

Jim McManus

Committee Member

Martin Dorman

Committee Member

Christine Holt

Ladies Treasurer

James Conlon

Committee Member

Team Selectors

Alan Colsh

Donald Cameron Team (Scratch)

Bryan Brown

Jessiman Team (Handicap 6 – 12)

Clayton Cumming

Thomson McCrone Team (Handicaps 9 – 20)

Mark Ferguson

Andra Kirkaldy Team, Past Captains

Ian McFarlane

McIntyre Senior League Team

Andrew McNee

J J McCarry League Teams (Juniors)

Cpt & Vice Cpt

Gow Glen & Antonine Shields

Contact us

If you have any questions then please contact us via the contact info above or contact the club using the details below.

Bearsden Golf Club

Thorn Road, Bearsden, Glasgow, G61 4BP.

0141 406 1856